Understanding OCD & Phobias
OCD is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive, unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive behaviors or mental acts (compulsions) performed to reduce anxiety caused by these obsessions. OCD can significantly interfere with a person's daily life, making it challenging to perform routine activities and maintain relationships.
Symptoms of OCD
- Intrusive, unwanted thoughts or images
- Repetitive behaviors or mental acts
- Excessive cleaning or hand washing
- Checking behaviors (e.g., repeatedly checking if doors are locked)
- Counting, tapping, or repeating certain words
- Avoidance of situations that trigger obsessions
Phobias are intense, irrational fears of specific objects, situations, or activities that pose little to no actual danger. Common phobias include fear of heights (acrophobia), fear of flying (aviophobia), and fear of spiders (arachnophobia). Phobias can cause significant distress and avoidance behaviors, impacting a person's quality of life.
Symptoms of Phobias
- Intense fear or anxiety when exposed to the phobic object or situation
- Avoidance of the phobic object or situation
- Physical symptoms such as sweating, trembling, rapid heartbeat, or shortness of breath
- Feeling of impending doom or loss of control